Sunday, May 17, 2009

When we had started to learn about Taoism I was a little bit skeptical because again, we are learning about a new religion/belief. But what I didn't know and maybe a few others didn't know as well is that everyday of our life we go through a little of Taoism. For instance when I'm at home with my parents I do what I choose to do, but I can't do anything or everything I want to do there is a balance of discipline and respect on both sides. My parents give me respect and discipline by letting me do what I want to do and I show the same by not breaking or destroying the house. Taoism is basically the balance by two forces that, if one is more powerful than the other than everything is going to be off balanced. Another example of this is when its sunny outside, if it were always sunny then everything would dry up and rain. On the other hand it rains to much than it would flood everything and having the same results as being too hot, everything would die. I guess for the people that don't believe in Taoism they live in a Taoist world because of all the comparing and contrasting or balance of power.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

What I had learned this week about the Koran is that the Koran is very confusing and out of order. Unlike the bible the dates go in order and when the bible is telling a story it finishes it and at the end there is always a lesson or a morale to learn from it. When the Koran comes to rights like the rights of women in a way it is kinda of the same rules in the bible. The bible says that the wife must submit to the husband but she has the freedom to wear what she wants to wear. In the Koran and in the Islamic culture/religion the men want the woman to wear a veil of some sort to cover their faces and no skin be exposed. That is just an example that I chose because it was one of the most significant thing that popped out to me after we had read the Koran. Lastly I learned that the Islamic religion is very faithful, loyal and doesn't like Christians very much. I find that Christianity is more appealing or reliable because I was born and raised into Christianity, I grew up only learning about Christianity. If you were a person that believed in the Islamic religion you would say the same as I would. Which would be, you were born into Islamic tradition and culture and if you were taught any other religion it would be weird for them if all of the sudden you threw Christian values and ways into their face and told them that Jesus Christ is our savior and not Allah.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

The things that I most appreciated about this movie was how the characters emotion was not hard to see, you saw how they felt and what they were thinking at that moment in the movie. In most of the movies I've seen with kings in it or someone high in class it only shows the bravery, courage, motivation and how strong they are. In the movie it shows that along with how the character reacts to things that they don't like. For example when King Arther cries or his fear of his wife loving another man. These little things made the movie a whole lot better because of the extra emotions and feelings that you can see and understand that the character is showing. Also I like how the movie shows the strengths and weaknesses of the characters in the movie. It makes it easier to relate to in real life. One thing that I didn't like about the movie was the music. There was a different song every time a new character was introduced or someone new was speaking. I guess some of the songs were okay but it was too much for me.

Some universal archetypes in the movie were the maiden, wise old man and sidekick. The maiden archetype goes to Guinevere because she does not want to marry the king, but ironically she falls in love with king in the forest. Until she meets sir Lancelot. The wise old man archetype would go to Merlin because he had told advice to King Arthur about his future and how do stuff. Merlin also knew everything. Lastly the sidekick would go to Lancelot because when King Arther and Lancelot meet for the first time they are the best of friends, and Lance would do everything for Arther. But when Guinevere and Lancelot meet King Arther knew it was going downhill from there. So would Lancelot be in like a shadow archetype as well?

I think this movie represents how humans sin no matter who you are whether you are a king, queen, knight whatever class your in you will sin. Also in this movie it shows how we all have the same emotions and again it doesn't matter who you are. In the end of the movie I think King Arther will ask what is happening with Lancelot and Guinevere.